On the Record: Predictions

Discuss these predictions with the predictors themselves. If you decide you disagree, you can challenge a prediction and turn it into Long Bet.

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910. I predict that Canada will be a failed state by 02042. 20 years
Jordan C Lewans

909. In 5 years, a bitcoin will be worth less than $100US. 5 years
Boran A Akin

908. Fewer that 25% of states with Roe v. Wade anti-abortion trigger bans will implement any meaningful improvements for child-related care or support within 3 years. 3 years
Joseph A Miller

907. Within the next 25 years the United States of America will no longer consist of 50 States 2 years
Jeremy P Day

906. In 2030, the share of world energy produced by solar will be < 2%, conditional on real gross world product (in 2015 USD at market exchange rates) being not less than $118 trillion. End date as soon as reputable data (World Bank, IEA, BP etc) for 2030 are available. ? years
Carl Lumma

905. By 2080, a mathematician would win the Fields Medal before the age of 22, thus becoming the first undergraduate winner of the Fields Medal. 59 years
Shengtong Zhang

904. The manufacturing of new internal combustion engine automobiles will be illegal, or there will be a law requiring that their manufacture cease by some specified date in the future everywhere in the US. 32 years
Bay Futures Class

903. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) will no longer be a U.S. Federal schedule 1 drug and in 15 states it will be legal for medicinal and/or recreational use. 34 years
Bay Futures Class

902. Humans will not find features of an exoplanet or other object >1 light-year away which, according to a majority of astrobiologists, is convincing evidence of life, intelligence, or technology; nor will we detect any other electromagnetic signal satisfying the same requirement. 22 years
Karl Coryat

901. The Department of Defense will not publicly release unambiguous evidence, recorded from multiple sensors, of objects in Earth's atmosphere exhibiting >20G acceleration, OR >100km/h subsurface travel, OR anti-gravity, OR FTL/nonlocal translation, OR extraterrestrial intelligence. 10 years
Karl Coryat


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